Helping Founders Control Their Startup’s Destiny

Hi, I’m Eric Ashman. 

I help founders navigate the startup journey — from fundraising and scaling to executing exit strategies and pivoting to profitability.

With over 25 years of experience partnering with founders and CEOs, I’ve helped startups increase sales, expand operating margins, scale product-market fit, build exceptional teams, and secure successful outcomes.

I can guide you along this same path to achieving your goals.

  • Led the sale of the Huffington Post for $315 million.
  • Led a simultaneous four-company merger to create Group Nine Media, one of the largest digital-first media companies in the world.
  • Led M.M.LaFleur through a pivot to profitability, setting up a brand repositioning for the post-covid era.
  • Raised $200 million over multiple rounds of funding.
  • Restructured a global technology PR agency in the aftermath of the dot-com bubble.
  • Built highly scalable operations teams from the ground up.

Equity, debt, and cash flow. We’ll leave no stone unturned in executing a funding plan that supports your growth strategy.

Product-market fit is a constantly moving target. We’ll leverage proven methods to keep you on a scalable path to growth.

When you’re no longer Default Investable, let’s pivot to Default Alive. Build value. Build your brand. Stay in control of your destiny.

When to raise, when to pivot to profitability, and when to sell. We’ll make a plan that maximizes value and achieves your goals.

Get in touch

Do you have a specific comment or question you want to discuss? Send me a note. I respond to every email I receive.